2024 Gala Invitation

Smokey's Fund

Thank You!

Your support of Smokey's fund provides care for dogs suffering from long-term chaining

Chronically chained dogs often suffer painful degenerative illnesses and lasting emotional effects resulting from living most of their lives outside in the elements with limited veterinary care.


Smokey's Fund contributions assist with:

  • Providing comprehensive veterinary care and medications to provide relief for these senior dogs, including life-saving surgeries, such as the removal of tumors or injuries from chaining.
  • Supporting educational efforts about the emotional and physical suffering and illnesses that result from dogs being chained.


every       for    

Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically for the number of installments you specify. You can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time. You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution. The receipts will include a link you can use if you decide to modify or cancel your future contributions.

Name Address and Phone

Email address, first and last name are required, the other fields are optional.