2024 Gala Invitation

Fence Request

To increase the chance we can help please provide as much information as possible. There are many dogs and families in need and we have limited resources. We do our best to make the most positive impact we can with those limited resources. So the more information you can provide, the better job we can do of maximizing the very generous time and money donated to help those in need.

Please remember that we are located in the Pacific Northwest and do not go outside Oregon and Washington...

All fields marked with (*) are required to be answered

Would the fence be for your dog? (*)

Please select yes or no to continue. Select no if you're referring us to someone else's dog
How many dogs live at the location? (*)

Invalid Input

If nothing happens when you click the "Next" button, please check above for errors or missing required info.

Your information

Please remember that we are located in the Pacific Northwest and do not go outside Oregon and Washington...

All fields with (*) are required to be answered

Your first name (*)

Please let us know your name.
Last name (*)

Invalid Input
Email (*)

Invalid Input If you have no email please enter none@none.com
Phone# (*)

Please enter a phone number in the format 999-999-999 Please use the format: 999-999-999

What is the best way to contact you? (*)

Invalid Input

Street Address 1 (*)

Invalid Input
Street Address 2

Invalid Input
City ( Oregon or SW Washington Only ) (*)

Invalid Input
County (*)

Invalid Input
State (We currently serve OR/WA only) (*)

Invalid Input
Zip (*)

Invalid Input
Do you own or rent the home?

Invalid Input
What is your preferred language?

Invalid Input
Would you prefer to remain anonymous? (*)

Invalid Input

Owner information (if known)

Owner first name

Please let us know your name.
Owner last name

Invalid Input
Owner Email

Invalid Input
Owner Phone#

Please enter a phone number in the format 999-999-999 Please use the format: 999-999-999

What is the best way to contact the owner?

Invalid Input

What is the owner's preferred language?

Invalid Input

Location of dog(s)

Street Address 1 (*)

You must enter an address for the dog(s) Use nearest location if the exact address is not known.
Street Address 2

Invalid Input
City ( Oregon and SW Washington Only ) (*)

We need to know the city for the dog(s)
County (*)

Invalid Input
State ( Oregon and SW Washington Only ) (*)

We need to know the state for the dog(s)

Please enter a valid zip code


Has animal control been involved?

Invalid Input
Please describe your situation

Invalid Input

If nothing happens when you click the "Next" button, please check above for errors or missing required info.

Dog 1 information

Dog's name

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
Is the dog spayed or neutered?

Invalid Input
How long has the dog lived at the present location?

Invalid Input
Hours a day the dog spends on a chain/tether or a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does the dog come inside at night?

Invalid Input
Is the dog currently on a chain/tether?

Invalid Input
Is the dog confined in a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does your dog currently have shelter?

Invalid Input
If yes, please describe your dog’s shelter.

Invalid Input

Dog 2 information

Dog's name

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
Is the dog spayed or neutered?

Invalid Input
How long has the dog lived at the present location?

Invalid Input
Hours a day the dog spends on a chain/tether or a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does the dog come inside at night?

Invalid Input
Is the dog currently on a chain/tether?

Invalid Input
Is the dog confined in a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does your dog currently have shelter?

Invalid Input
If yes, please describe your dog’s shelter.

Invalid Input

Dog 3 information

Dog's name

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
Is the dog spayed or neutered?

Invalid Input
How long has the dog lived at the present location?

Invalid Input
Hours a day the dog spends on a chain/tether or a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does the dog come inside at night?

Invalid Input
Is the dog currently on a chain/tether?

Invalid Input
Is the dog confined in a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does your dog currently have shelter?

Invalid Input
If yes, please describe your dog’s shelter.

Invalid Input

Dog 4 information

Dog's name

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
Is the dog spayed or neutered?

Invalid Input
How long has the dog lived at the present location?

Invalid Input
Hours a day the dog spends on a chain/tether or a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does the dog come inside at night?

Invalid Input
Is the dog currently on a chain/tether?

Invalid Input
Is the dog confined in a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does your dog currently have shelter?

Invalid Input
If yes, please describe your dog’s shelter.

Invalid Input

Dog 5 information

Dog's name

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
Is the dog spayed or neutered?

Invalid Input
How long has the dog lived at the present location?

Invalid Input
Hours a day the dog spends on a chain/tether or a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does the dog come inside at night?

Invalid Input
Is the dog currently on a chain/tether?

Invalid Input
Is the dog confined in a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does your dog currently have shelter?

Invalid Input
If yes, please describe your dog’s shelter.

Invalid Input

Dog 6 information

Dog's name

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input
Is the dog spayed or neutered?

Invalid Input
How long has the dog lived at the present location?

Invalid Input
Hours a day the dog spends on a chain/tether or a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does the dog come inside at night?

Invalid Input
Is the dog currently on a chain/tether?

Invalid Input
Is the dog confined in a small outdoor pen?

Invalid Input
Does your dog currently have shelter?

Invalid Input
If yes, please describe your dog’s shelter.

Invalid Input

If nothing happens when you click the "Next" button, please check above for errors or missing required info.

Additional information

Please describe any existing fencing

Invalid Input
How big is the property?

Invalid Input
Is there any other information you'd like us to know?

Invalid Input
How did you hear about us?

Invalid Input
We work in Oregon and SW Washington Only